
Your Online Calculus Tutor

Is Calculus leaving you confused? Are tangent line approximations and area under the curve giving you a headache? Don’t worry, expert help is just a click away.

Stop wasting countless hours struggling with complex math problems. Our platform connects you with top-notch online tutors who specialize in Calculus. They’ve overcome the same hurdles and are ready to help you succeed.

Take the first step towards mastering Calculus today. Join us, and transform Calculus from a challenge into a subject you excel at.

Master Calculus Online with Tutoring Maphy

What’s inside the box?

Master the Core Concepts: From basic principles to complex details, you’ll deepen your understanding of all the essential topics covered in Calculus.

Excel in Exams: With practice tests, exam strategies, and real-time problem-solving exercises, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle your Calculus exams with confidence.

Boost Your Confidence: As your Calculus knowledge expands, so will your self-assurance. You’ll start to see Calculus concepts in the world around you, making connections and solving problems with newfound expertise.

Why choose us?

Class Service

Top Class Service

We offer services to K-12 grades in STEM

The Globe

Cover The Globe

We cover all the major curricula across the world

Weekly Reports

Weekly Reports

We provide weekly progress reports.



We are available for last-minute session requests.

Easy To Reschedule

Easy To Reschedule

We allow rescheduling/cancellation of sessions up to 18 hours in advance.


Improvement Guaranteed

We promise guaranteed improvement in results.

How Tutoring Maphy Can Help?

Expert Tutors: Our tutors are experienced in teaching Calculus and possess a deep understanding of the curriculum and exam format.

Customized Learning: We tailor our tutoring approach to match your unique learning style, strengths, and areas of improvement.

Comprehensive Resources: Besides personalized tutoring, we offer study guides, practice exams, and review materials to enhance your learning experience.

Interactive Online Classes: Our online classes are engaging and interactive, ensuring that you remain actively involved in the learning process.

Proven Success: Many of our students have excelled in their Calculus exams and pursued rewarding careers in science, engineering, and various other fields.

Start Your Calculus Journey Today

Join the numerous students who have excelled in Calculus exams and embarked on successful careers in math and engineering, all thanks to our thorough tutoring methods.

Book a free demo session now and experience the difference our expert Calculus tutor can make in your academic journey. Get started with TutoringMaphy and conquer Calculus with confidence.

Your Guide to Calculus

Calculus is a foundational mathematical discipline that goes deep into the analysis of change and motion. From its fundamental principles, calculus branches into various advanced topics, offering insights into optimization, rates of change, and infinite sums. Studying calculus not only enriches one’s understanding of mathematics but also lays the groundwork for solving complex real-world problems in fields like physics, engineering, economics, and more. Mastering calculus opens doors to advanced academic pursuits and lucrative career opportunities, making it a crucial subject for students aspiring to excel in STEM fields.

In high school, Calculus is typically offered in two main types: AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC. AP Calculus AB covers foundational concepts such as limits, derivatives, and integrals, providing students with a solid understanding of calculus principles. It’s a great option for those interested in pursuing STEM fields or wanting to fulfill college prerequisites. AP Calculus BC, on the other hand, delves deeper into calculus, covering additional topics like parametric equations, polar coordinates, and series. This course is more rigorous and prepares students for advanced placement exams. Both courses offer valuable opportunities for students to develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities while laying the groundwork for future academic success.

In addition to AP Calculus AB and BC, Calculus is also offered in sequential courses in university. These courses typically include Calculus 1, Calculus 2, and Calculus 3, along with Multivariable Calculus. Calculus 1 introduces students to foundational concepts such as limits, derivatives, and integrals, focusing on functions of a single variable. In Calculus 2, students go deeper into integration techniques, applications of integration, sequences, and series. Calculus 3 extends the study of calculus to functions of several variables, including partial derivatives, multiple integrals, and vector calculus. Multivariable Calculus further explores topics related to functions of multiple variables, such as vector fields, line integrals, surface integrals, and the divergence and curl of vector fields. 

Online tutors at Tutoring Maphy can be instrumental in helping students prepare for the Calculus exam. Our tutors offer personalized instruction tailored to the unique needs of each student, providing extra support and guidance beyond what is typically available in the classroom. Tutors can assist students in reviewing key concepts, clarifying misunderstandings, and strengthening problem-solving skills through targeted practice exercises and exam-style questions.

Moreover, our online tutors offer flexibility in scheduling and accessibility, allowing students to receive instruction and support at their convenience. With the convenience of online learning platforms, students can connect with their tutors from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for travel and accommodating busy schedules.

In summary, Calculus is a vital course for students aiming to pursue higher education in STEM fields or related disciplines. Students can accelerate their academic progress and gain a competitive edge in college admissions.

Subjects that we offer


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Frequently Asked Questions

We believe finding a good match is key. Start by telling us a bit about yourself, like your goals and any topics you find tricky. We’ll then match you with a tutor who’s not just an expert in Calculus, but also someone who fits your learning style. You can even have a free initial session to see if it’s a good fit before you decide.

Absolutely! We want to make sure you’re learning and feeling confident. If you feel like your tutor isn’t quite the right fit, just let us know. We can easily pair you with another tutor, no worries at all.

Just bring yourself and a willingness to learn! Your tutor will provide all the lesson materials you’ll need. However, if you have a textbook or specific problems from class you’d like to work on, feel free to bring them along to your sessions.

If you want them to! Some students find extra practice helpful. It all depends on what you want and what you feel helps you learn best.

We get it—things come up! If you know you won’t be able to make a session, try to let us and your tutor know at least 18 hours in advance. We’ll work with you to reschedule for a more convenient time.